Wing Tuck Engineering Pte Ltd
Case Study - Design, Demolish, Construct, Manage and Maintain Single Storey Office Building and Diesel Station
A. Design Phase (1 month)
- Architectural Design
- Structural Design
- Mechanical and Electrical Design
- Fire and Safety Design
- Project and Construction Execution Process Design

B. Government Authorities Submission & Approval for Construction Phase (2 months)

- Government Authorities Submission
- Approval from Government Authorities
C. Pre-Construction Phase (Concurrent with B)

- Preparation of Shop Drawings and Samples
- Approval of Shop Drawings and Samples
- Site Preparation
- Pre-construction survey and Setting survey
- Preparation of Materials cutting list
- Scheduling and Ordering of Materials
- Preparation of Equipment List
- Scheduling and preparation of Equipment
D. Construction Phase (3 months)

- Site Demolition and Clearance
- Mobilisation of Construction Materials and Equipment
- Construction of Reinforced Concrete Foundation, Beams and Slabs
- Supply and Lay of Fuel Piping and sumps, M&E services, cold water pipeline and sewer pipeline
- Supply and install underground storage tanks
- Supply and install Fuel Leak Detection System and Auto Tank Gauging System
- Supply, Fabrication and installation of Mild Steel Columns and Roof Structure
- Supply and installation of Roofing insulation and roofing sheets
- Erection of brickwalls and partition walls
- Supply and install doors and windows
- Supply and install light fittings and sanitary fittings
- Supply and install Fire Hosereel, Manual Call Points and Emergency Shut-off System
- Supply and install Security System
- Supply and install Fuel Dispensers
- Supply and install Fuel and Point of Sales Management System
- Testing & Commissioning of all Systems
- Architectural and M&E RI Inspections
E. Government Submission & Approval for Operation Phase (1 month)

- Submission and Approval from Weights & Measures for Dispensers
- Submission and Approval from NEA
- Submission and Approval from SCDF
- Submission and Approval from BCA
- Obtain Temporary Occupancy Permit (TOP) from BCA
- Submit and Obtain Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) from BCA (concurrent while operating)
F. Operation, Manage and Maintain Diesel Station Phase (On going, contract basis)
- Manage human resources and shift schedule
- Manage daily sales
- Manage daily diesel loading
- Manage daily cleanliness and housekeeping
- Preventive Maintenance of Fuel Equipment